Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Elos Arma - MOTHER FATHER [2012.WEB.192]

Grab it!

Sick ass Toronto based punk rock band!!!!!

Similar Artists: Sydney, Blink 182

1. We Play for Keeps
2. Feet Here
3. San Diego
4. TrueLoveAbove
5. Graced Away

Albums Single:

You can also grab their 2011 album HERE!!!!

Hit them up on FacebookTumblr, and Twitter!!!!


Here is an interview they just had with Kat Harlton!

"Thanks to the guys in Elos Arma for taking their time, and thanks to Kat Harlton for hitting me up!

Three bands you would love to tour with, dead or alive?
- Well this is always a lot harder to answer just because we all love so many different groups and sounds. BUT, if we had to chose, in this particular moment in time (3:09 EST on February 21st, 2012), it'd have to be Frank Zappa, Radiohead, and perhaps Broken Social Scene, or Grizzly Bear! there, we gave you four.

Who are your influences?
- Well in a nut shell, as cliche as this sounds, everything influences us. Every one of us has a very particular taste, but we all relate in our love for bands such as Local Natives, Broken Social Scene, Grizzly Bear, all of Radiohead's works, to even bands like As Cities Burn (Son, I loved you at your darkest).
We're also very influenced by what was happening in jazz in the 50s & 60s, not to mention current as well (Aaron Goldberg, Robert Glasper). But focusing back on what ties us together, is our love for heavy sounds, and this is coming out in our music, specifically and our new release set for this coming spring. Heavy bands such as ACB, Fall of Troy, The Bled, ETID. aside from musical influences, Gustav Klimt has been an influential visual artists for us.

What's your thoughts on the music today?
- Well Mainstream still sucks; it didnt always suck. It's great that the advent of the internet and portable walkmans have allowed people to disconnect and create niche listening; just look around the net and you'll see how much stuff there is out there.
That aside, we see music today almost in a sort state of restoration after a 'great depression" of musical disappointments. And this restoration is not happening on the radio - its on the internet; the medium by default. Particularly in Toronto, aside from one rock station, there isn't any other alternative. Then again, you can't base ad revenues around music that is not neutral, and diluted.
In the era of shitty electronic music, a more personable and heartfelt spin is surfacing, and we feel that we're carving out our own place within that. There is a growing wave of discontent worldwide among people, for the soulless mainstream mass entertainment being spewed out at us. We think this will change, once the stranglehold on the baby-boomer generation dwindles down (as they become extinct, for lack of a better word), and this will give way for change - how that change will appear, we have no idea. BUT, Elos Arma will be there during.
The collaboration of instruments abroad make this 'surfacing spin' much more diverse; the best thing about being an artist nowadays is knowing that no matter how far you get you will still come across an instrument and have no idea what it is. All one can do as a musician, is strive to become a master of his/her instrument, so as to develop their voice and be remembered/known for what they sound like when they play. This is a necessity in jazz. So in all, we are hopeful for music!

What's your all time favorite album?
- Hmm, well this is difficult so we're goin to give you two! Radiohead - OK computer & The Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium.

Any books or movies that inspires you and your music?
- The Alchemist is a definite inspiration; put everything we're trying to do in perspective for us. As for movies, The Beatles' yellow submarine (of course, when, you know), Donnie Darko & Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Do you have anything exciting coming up in the near future?
- We have a very exciting 2012 planned. Our new release will be ready for the spring, and we are accompanying it with a whole lot of tours; we will be touring the southern Ontario circuit from March 29th - April 6th, going out to western Canada in July and will be crossing the pond in September as a supporting act throughout the UK, Scotland, Germany and Switzerland. So quite the exciting future for us."

via (Carita Ringsing)