Here is the result of another fantastic crazy inspiring fun 2 weeks of writing, recording, mixing and producing another song toward my 4th album. Also piecing together with Heapteam and beyond, the video and artwork, with some of you.
I loved reading peoples clarity cloud moments as they floated into the microsite, or flicking through your photographs while I wrote about a moment in my life.Thank you if you were someone who contributed to that. It all goes through the cogs to contribute.
Really had a great time working with Nick Ryan on this one in and out of the studio. Every time I hear a song in a coffee shop or taxi these last few days, It musically merges with the sounds around me. A passing police car siren, tunes into the background music. Someone laughing, clicks into rhythm. The process had me approach the song writing from a very different angle. More about how the song came to be with the Heapsong3 release in October, as we'll put the making of Propeller Seeds on that.
I'd been waiting until I could give the song everything I had, to write about the moment i met a certain someone and glad I did. Now I and he can relive that moment in time and space as the song walks us through those special moments with each replay.
Am so charged for the next one. Please sign up to mailing list to find out what it's about, so you don't miss out on any action.
Couldn't have put together the artwork we have or the video without a few of you and I greatly appreciate you getting involved (and for putting on those suits!). Not forgetting the balloon poppers in Oxford.
Huge thanks to Nick for these immensely inspiring two weeks we've had together and I hope for more collaborations in the future.
Special thanks to Simon and Phil, Dean, Dan and Fanny on pulling such a beautiful video together on a shoestring.
Felix Thorn for giving us the sound samples of his machines in action so that the music could begin with the last sound Thomas and I heard before we met.
And of course Thomas, without whom this song and many more wonderful moments in my life would not exist. I am one lucky lady and I love you to pieces.
Those who were involved came to the release party at my house, where we ate some delicious food, drank, chatted and listened to 'propeller seeds' together. I also played a few songs to them including 'lifeline' on the piano, which is on the 3dicd package.
Enjoy! Xx